Growing Trees Network on Bolivia, 2021 - 2022
You can donate trees for new forests in Bolivia to combat the climate changes and its consequences.
Price per tree: DKK 16 (2.15€)
Afforestation projects in Bolivia
Afforestation projects in Bolivia give our donors the opportunity to make a big local difference through the establishment of forests on depleted agricultural land. In addition, donated trees create local jobs as well as provide assistance in restoring biodiversity.
- The companies donate an entire forest and / or part of the forests.
- Private individuals donate a number of trees via our webshop, which are planted together with other customers' donated trees.
See the area in Google Maps here
How your donated trees are planted
In Bolivia, we collaborate with New Basics, a Danish-Bolivian company that, through collaborations with local companies and organizations, creates long-term afforestation solutions that are both economically and climatically sustainable.
The organization Swisscontact secures the water resources necessary for the afforestation to be successful. The forests are established in balance with the local structure, culture and nature of central South America. The trees in the forests are mixed, in the same way as they occur in nature, as the goal is to raise forests reminiscent of native forests in the area.
The area
Altiplano is the world's second largest plateau - approx. 300,000 km2, located in approx. 3500-4800 meters altitude in central South America. A huge area, with no forests and virtually no trees.
The climate is harsh, and the altitude and 6 months of drought each year mean that there have been no successful afforestation attempts in the area in the past. At the same time, more than 3,000 years of intensive farming, together with climate change in large areas, have made the soil barren.
In many areas it is no longer possible to grow vegetables apart from onions, and in most areas the soil quality today is somewhere between "sandy" and "desert-like", almost without biological material.
The population of the area is all of indigenous peoples who are presumed to have lived in the area for 3500 years or more.
In this huge area without forests, new forests are very welcome. Forests are the only way in which soil fertility can be restored. Forests are welcome among the population because there are no forests in the area, and because they can mitigate the windswept climate and create a friendlier nature, and through land improvement a better livelihood for the next generation.
From a global perspective, Altiplano is a good place to plant forests. There is plenty of space, as with the current soil quality and the current climate, food can only be grown on about 10-20% of the huge area. As natural plant growth is extremely limited and rarely exceeds 20 centimeters in height, neither CO2-bearing nature nor food production is displaced by new forests. Forests here will be good for nature, for humans, for biodiversity, and for the climate.
Picture 4:
Visit for test planting at the main road on Altiplano. The local community provides for planting and maintenance, and the farmer here and his family are responsible for 70 trees. They receive a small bonus from their local community for each surviving tree and are pleased that in the long run the forests will also give children new areas to play in.
Photo: Ariel Miranda, September 2021
Collaboration creates opportunity
So far, there has been no successful afforestation in this vast area. Therefore, we have with great interest had a close contact with the NGO Swisscontact, who a few years ago began to carry out systematic test plantings in the area.
In collaboration with local authorities, local communities, and the country's best forest technicians, the optimal conditions for afforestation in the area have been verified. A system has been created that, under the right conditions, provides a survival rates of 70-99% over a three year period. That is why we work closely with Swisscontact, who is the local coordinator for afforestation, together with the company New Basics, who has employees both in Denmark and in Bolivia.
The vision is to combine Swisscontact's unique experiences and the enthusiasm of the local population with Danish interests in and knowledge of afforestation, and for the first time ever establish forests in one of the world's largest forestless areas with forest potential.
In the long run, our hope is to be able to offer our forest and animal-loving customers to help plant large tropical or rainforests in the Santa Cruz region of Bolivia. When new forests border the original Trope rainforest, there is a rapid migration of native species such as parrots, armadillos and sloths.
See example of Forest Certificate here